Wednesday Jun 12, 2024

Dr. Cadra Krueger Identifies Key Management Strategies for Weaning and Receiving Stressors!

Welcome to another episode of the American Cattlemen Podcast.  Just ahead, Gale McKinney, the publisher of the American Cattlemen, visits with Dr. Cadra Krueger.  Dr. Krueger is the Sales Manager & Beef Nutritionist with Alltech. Dr. Krueger discusses two critical points for producers to manage during the calves' life cycle: Weaning & Receiving.  Dr. Krueger and Gale will also discuss how Alltech is committed to providing education to help producers attain sustainability and profitable operations.  Just a quick reminder: for previous Produce Profile Podcasts, check out our website,

American Cattlemen Podcast is Sponsored By:
Rawhide Portable Corral
Udder Tech
Lewis Cattle Oilers

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